Двигатель Ric e1716292216547

Small Worm Gear Motor

We are eager to cooperate with foreign companies which care much on the high standard, competitive prices, business reputation. The world is our market – this small worm gear motor will be supplied globally to East Asia, Northern Europe, Mexico, Philippines, etc. We welcome you to establish business relation with us. Feel free to contact us for free quotes and any question you have. Over the past few years, our factory leads the industry for innovative technologies, ensuring high-quality to excellence. We are looking forward to cooperating with you and providing our best services for you, as well as our small worm gear motor, Бесщеточные мотор-редукторы, Бытовое решение. We are committed to improving production quality and efficiency continually for your satisfaction tailoring production according to your needs is fine, each product has met the standards required for professional certification. INEED Motors is dedicated into the market to providing premium small worm gear motor and service to global customers. Good quality would be the key factor to the company to stand out from other competitors, skilled performance is our work, we adhere to honesty and superior faith working attitude.


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Small Worm Gear Motor Boost Profit

3,7 В Бесцокольный 17 мм двигатель постоянного тока с энкодером

3.7, 7.4 В Бесцокольный 17 мм двигатель постоянного тока с энкодером

♦ Основная информация:

Модель: IND-YQ1714

Диаметр: 17 мм

Длина корпуса: 14,2 мм

Рабочее напряжение: 1,5 В DC-9,0 В DC

♦ Приложения:

Насос для измерения артериального давления/ видеокамера/ электробритва/ игрушка

/Самолет с дистанционным управлением

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0724 Микромотор постоянного тока без сердечника с металлической оболочкой

♦ Основная информация:

Модель: IND-0724B-B5135-2

Диаметр: 7 мм

Длина корпуса: 24 мм

Рабочее напряжение: 2,2 В DC-3,6 В DC

Крутящий момент при остановке: 600 г-см - 1200 г-см

♦ Приложения:

Товары для взрослых/ Массажное белье/ Джойстики

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Широкополосный двигатель LRA

Сверхширокополосный линейный двигатель 2024

♦ Основная информация:

Модель: LRA2024A-1088F

Диаметр: 20,0 мм

Длина тела: 24,0 мм

Рабочее напряжение: 0,1VrmsAC-1,2VrmsAC

Преимущества: Чрезвычайно долгий срок службы, сверхширокий диапазон частот 30 Гц - 500 Гц, сверхсильная вибрация, быстрый отклик и низкий уровень шума.

♦ Приложения:

Очки виртуальной реальности/ Игровые контроллеры/ Автокресло

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Small Worm Gear Motor Cut Down Cost


More About Small Worm Gear Motor

Hello from INEED Motors, have a look at the most carefully curated small worm gear motor here! INEED Motors has a long history and experience of providingsmall worm gear motor, which means we are qualified and masterful. Our extensive tenure in this market has led to us having many employees, a large factory, and a substantial monthly production capacity. Our small worm gear motor are unparralleled. Our small worm gear motor are held to the highest quality standards due to our rigorous testing, adherence to standardized production methods, and comprehensive quality management efforts. Moreover, as a masterful, we have countless experience of small worm gear motor and have gain great reputation. We maintain working relationships with countless partners from different countries. Our main sales territories encompass nearly every part of the globe. We always believe that your request is our command!If you are looking for a passionate companion, consider us right now!


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