Münze BLDC Mikromotor für Beauty Device

Münze BLDC Mikromotor für Beauty Device


The customer is updating a fully functional intelligent washing face cleanser. The previous devices encountered several problems with service life.

They hope to improve service life and the vibration comfort issues that plagued the previous device. That means need to find a new supplier. The Beauty Device needs to withstand extreme temperatures and has three different gears of “high”, “medium” and “low” to meet the needs of different parts of the face skin.


We were lucky to enter into this project with a clear list of improvements needed for the new generation of face washers.

Our engineers upgraded the coin brushless motor bearings, eccentric counterweight, and upper and lower case.

We mimicked the extreme use environment in the Temperature & Humidity machine, so that it can pass High Temperature Exposure and Humidity Exposure testing.

We conducted manufacturing reviews with the customer’s EMS factory manufacturing engineers in China to speed up production.


Our coin brushless micro motor has been running continuously on the lifetime test machine for more than half a year, and the performance has hardly declined, which fully meets the specifications. Face washing device head can rotate left and right, vibration up and down, 4D dynamic, improve the user experience. In the face washer device competition has been very fierce in the market atmosphere, the customer’s new generation of face washer accounted for more than 40% of the market.

Because of the efficiency with which we brought this device to market, they asked us to support their next new project.

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