Gleichstrommotor ohne Bürste für medizinische Mikrohobelmaschine

Gleichstrommotor ohne Bürste für medizinische Mikrohobelmaschine


A European customer approached us and asked if we could customize a 12mm diameter coreless brush motor for their ear, nose, and throat removal instrument. Surgical instruments should be sterilized at high temperatures after an operation, and normal saline should be contacted during the operation, which has special requirements for the sealing, heat resistance, and corrosion resistance of the motor.


As this customer has clear specific requirements for the coreless motors, so we directly customized 1228 hollow cup motors. If a customer’s project is still in the development stage, they can use our standard motors for initial testing.

After a month of development, the material was changed twice during the process and a protective coating was applied to the motor, ensuring its ability to pass sealing and corrosion resistance tests. In addition, the motor is sterilized 1000 times at high temperatures to guarantee its durability.


The customer is very appreciative of our research and development team and highly recognizes our professionalism. Within half a year, we received a trial production order of 200PCS from the customer. Subsequently, after evaluating our production capacity, the customer provided an order forecast for the next three years.

We strictly control the quality of products, improve the production process, the introduction of advanced equipment. Market-oriented, our goal is to provide the best solutions for our customers.

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