Stirnradgetriebemotor für Smart lock

Stirnradgetriebemotor für Smart Lock


Our customer is a very well-known smart door lock manufacturer in Japan and South Korea.
Due to geographical advantages, customers in Japan and South Korea are familiar with China gear motor industry.
The customer is looking for two independent suppliers of the same Spur gear motor for proper supply chain management.
The customer provided a DC gear motor sample and asked us to make an identical replica.


We checked the sample and published specifications from other suppliers. We tested their motor and immediately found that the measured data did not match the published specifications.
We recommend creating motors matching customer requirements based on measured data rather than published specifications.
Our product RD team spent considerable effort with the customer to fully understand acceptable performance. The final accepted design uses a 1000:1 gear box with dia 12mm motor, matched with a high resolution encoder, which enables the lock to be accurately positioned repeatedly.
And the motor sample was tested on our lifetime tester, and the test proved that our motor life is robust enough.


The reliability of electric locks is very important. For electronic smart locks, the motor must either start moving the locking pin when expected, or unlock the locking pin quickly when instructed to do so.
It turns out that our spur gear motor is more reliable and stable when locked or unlocked.
The customer finally adopted our 1000:1 gear box design and used it as a reference standard and charged their second source supplier with matching. INEED is the first supplier of this customer.

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