Ric-Motor e1716292216547

Wholesale Gear Worm Motor Factory

We are eager to cooperate with foreign companies which care much on the high standard, cost-effective prices, enterprise prestige. Our wholesale gear worm motor factory will supply to many countries and areas, including West Asia, Central Europe, Canada, Eastern Europe, etc. With us, your safety is guaranteed. You can contact us, and we will provide you a quotation up on receipt of the detailed needs. We are looking forward to cooperating with you and providing our best services for you, as well as our wholesale gear worm motor factory, Bürstenlose Getriebemotoren, Lösung für den Haushalt. INEED Motors is dedicated into the market to providing premium wholesale gear worm motor factory and service to global customers. We hunt forward towards your coming, we champion innovation and integrity, customer first’ is our motto. In recent years, our factory encourages creative thinking and integrated advanced technologies, delivering excellence. Our experienced R&D team is here to provide you with professional support, we welcome all custom orders, all products have passed professional certification.


Erhalten Sie maßgeschneiderte Elektromotoren von INEED Motors!

Führende Marke im Getriebemotorenbau


Wholesale Gear Worm Motor Factory Boost Profit



♦ Grundlegende Informationen:

Durchmesser: 37 mm

Körperlänge: 36mm

Betriebsspannung: 3V DC-26V DC

♦ Anwendungen:

Verkaufsautomat/ Gartenschloss/ Aktuator

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6V 12V 24V DC Getriebemotor-IND-20GM130

6V 12V 24V DC Getriebemotor

♦ Grundlegende Informationen:

Modell: IND-20GM130

Durchmesser: 20,4 mm

Körper Länge: 25mm

Betriebsspannung: 3V DC-26V DC

♦ Anwendungen:

Verkaufsautomaten/ Vervielfältigungsmaschinen/ Pumpen

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16mm kernloser Getriebemotor

16mm kernloser Getriebemotor

♦ Grundlegende Informationen:

Modell: IND-16GM1620

Durchmesser: 16 mm

Körper Länge: 20mm

Betriebsspannung: 2V DC-14V DC


Kaffeemaschine/ Intelligentes Schloss/Roboter/Video

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Elektromotor Vibration

0716 Vibrationsgleichstrommotor - kunststoffgekapselter Typ

♦ Grundlegende Informationen:

Modell: IND-YZ0716L100-5543T

Durchmesser: 8,8 mm

Körper Länge: 25 mm

Betriebsspannung: 2,2V DC-3,6V DC

Anhalte-Drehmoment: 600g-cm - 1200g-cm

♦ Anwendungen:

Produkte für Erwachsene/ Zahnmedizinische Geräte/ Schönheitsprodukte/ Gesundheitsprodukte/ Körperpflege

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4,5V kernloser Bürsten-DC-Motor

4,5V kernloser Bürsten-DC-Motor

♦ Grundlegende Informationen:

Modell: IND-YQ1228

Durchmesser: 12 mm

Körperlänge: 28 mm

Betriebsspannung: 1,8 V DC-12,0 V DC

♦ Anwendungen:

Medizinisches Gerät/ Camcorder/ Rasierapparat/ Spielzeug

/Ferngesteuerte Flugzeuge

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Wholesale Gear Worm Motor Factory Cut Down Cost

Wolframpulver 1


  DC-Getriebemotor Wir heißen Kunden aus dem In- und Ausland herzlich willkommen, wir innovieren mit Integrität und stellen Sie an die erste Stelle

Mehr lesen "

More About Wholesale Gear Worm Motor Factory

Hello from INEED Motors, have a look at the most the best choice wholesale gear worm motor factory here! INEED Motors has a long history and experience of providingwholesale gear worm motor factory, which means we are qualified and masterful. As a result of our enduring presence in this market, we can boast of having many employees, a large factory, and a significant monthly production capacity. Our wholesale gear worm motor factory are not to be missed. Our wholesale gear worm motor factory are held to the highest quality standards due to our rigorous testing, adherence to standardized production methods, and comprehensive quality management efforts. Moreover, as a masterful, we have many different experience of wholesale gear worm motor factory and have gain great reputation. We have established collaborations with innumerable associates from different nations. Our primary sales areas cover almost every corner of the world. We always believe that your request is our command!If you are looking for a dynamic cooperative, consider us right now!


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