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Small Dc Gear Motor

With your kind help, we believe that we can create a bright future with you together. So please do not hesitate to contact us for your need. While in the past few years, our company absorbed and digested innovative technologies, ensuring high-quality to excellence. To ensure your satisfaction, we contine to enhance production quality and effeciency, feel free to tell us your special requests or concerns, we ensure that every product meets the criteria for professional certification. Owning a factory and top-notch technologies, INEED Motors always offers unmatchable small dc gear motor to global customers. We are looking forward to cooperating with you and providing our best services for you, as well as our small dc gear motor, Motores de CC sin escobillas, Solución sectorial. We are eager to cooperate with foreign companies which care much on the high quality, cost-effective prices, strict quality control and high level service. Our small dc gear motor will supply to many countries and areas, including West Asia, Central Europe, Canada, Eastern Europe, etc. We will continue to carry forward the spirit of high quality, efficiency, innovation, integrity, the credibility is the priority, focus on customer’ demand is the source of company survival.


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Small Dc Gear Motor Boost Profit

Motorreductor planetario de 6 mm más pequeño

Motorreductor planetario de 6 mm Serie 614

Información básica:

Modex: IND-GM-614-X

Diámetro: 6 mm

Longitud del cuerpo: 14 mm

Tensión de funcionamiento: 2,1 V CC-3,6 V CC

Par motor: 5g-cm - 220g-cm



Equipos de limpieza/ Cerradura inteligente/ Armario

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Motorreductor de engranajes rectos-IND-25GM370

Motor eléctrico pequeño de alto par

Información básica:

Modelo: IND-25GM370

Diámetro: 25 mm

Longitud del cuerpo: 30,8 mm

Tensión de funcionamiento: 3 V CC-26 V CC


Máquina expendedora/ Cerradura inteligente/ Cerradura de jardín/ Actuador

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Motores Vibratorios Pequeños 1027 Tipo Muelle

C1027 Motovibrador para monedas

Información básica:

Modelo: C1027BTF03

Diámetro: 10 mm

Grosor: 2,7 mm

Tensión de funcionamiento: 2,5 V CC-3,3 V CC


Teléfonos móviles de gama alta/ y dispositivos digitales personales/ equipos de belleza, etc.

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Small Dc Gear Motor Cut Down Cost



Medical Nuestros proyectos de motores y mecanismos Vea nuestros últimos proyectos Vea más motores Anterior Siguiente Contacte con nosotros Para más de

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Comprobador de mallas de engranajes

Motorreductor planetario de CC

  Motorreductor planetario de CC A lo largo de los últimos años, nuestra organización se enorgullece de contar con un equipo de tecnologías avanzadas, que ofrece excelencia.

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More About Small Dc Gear Motor

Join us at INEED Motors, have a look at the most high-quality small dc gear motor here! INEED Motors has a long history and experience of providingsmall dc gear motor, which means we are competent and proficient. Our extensive tenure in this market has led to us having many employees, a large factory, and a substantial monthly production capacity. Our small dc gear motor are outstanding. Quality assurance is at the core of our operations, with strict testing standards, standardized production processes, and comprehensive quality management in place to safeguard the excellence of our small dc gear motor. Moreover, as a proficient, we have copious experience of small dc gear motor and have gain great reputation. We maintain working relationships with a wide range of partners from different countries. Our main sales territories encompass nearly every part of the globe. We always believe that your request is our command!If you are looking for a trusted teammate, consider us right now!


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Los productos de motor plantean complejidades de comprensión, especificación e integración, sin normas industriales. Ofrecemos nuestra experiencia para mitigar los riesgos de diseño, fabricación y suministro.

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