INEED Motors offers compact, cost-efficient, and highly reliable spur gear motors that fulfill various application requirements. We provide a diverse range of reduction ratios, steel or brass precision spur gears, voltages, and sizes. If your application demands low torque motors, a spur gear motor is an excellent choice.
Our spur motors come in open-frame, closed-frame, offset, and foldback designs. They have a diameter range of 12mm-37mm, a voltage range of 1-24V DC, a load torque range of 0.1g cm to 200kg. cm, and an output speed ranging from 0.5rpm to 5000 rpm. One outstanding example is our N20 micro gear motor, it’s a highly efficient low torque electric motor.
We offer the option to equip these small gear motors with straight-cut or helical-cut gears, with or without encoders, and with either carbon or metal brushes. Additionally, we offer custom electric motors service to precisely meet your specific requirements.
Straight gears or spur gears are cylindrical gears with teeth that run parallel to the rotational axis. The teeth extend radially from the gear, allowing for efficient power transmission.
Spur gears do not generate axial thrust by their tooth loads. They excel at moderate speeds, offering reliable and efficient power transmission. However, it’s important to note that at high speeds, spur gears tend to produce more noise compared to other gear types.
Precision gear motor are designed to simplify construction, reduce costs, and provide reliable and efficient low-torque performance. To learn more about how DC spur gear motor customization can benefit you, kindly see our Spur Gear Motor Customization Guide below:
Most of our designs use an open construction with square or rectangular gearboxes.
The closed gearbox is designed to be circular to make it more practical and can cover the gear and keep debris out.
We offer customization of shafts in various lengths, round types, location holes, D-cut, screw shafts, and more. Additionally, we can add gear to an output shaft if desired, all to meet customer drawings.
If space is limited, you can choose between a fold-back gearbox or a non-concentric offset gearbox shaft for your design.
Different encoders can combine with INEED DC gear motors. The encoders are ideal for commutation, position control, speed, or count. That means each shaft position within a revolution is assigned a unique angular value through the encoder. Click Pic to find more about our encoders.
A spur gear motor can be connected to other components using a variety of different methods including pin type, lead wires, and connectors. Connectors that can be used to attach the motor to Molex, ACES, ELCO, and Hirose components are all available. Click Pic to find more connectors.
One notable distinction of spur gear motors compared to Planetengetriebemotoren is that the output shaft is typically eccentric. However, for some products, according to the installation requirements, the output shaft can be made into a shaft in the center by the gear motor manufacturer’s internal machining.
The structure of a spur gear motor is simple, making it more affordable compared to planetary gear motors. The spur gearhead is added to the motor to reduce the output speed and increase the torque. We use high-quality steel or brass gears to ensure maximum strength and longevity. These gears can be coupled with iron core, coreless, and brushless motors.
A spur gear motor is a type of cylindrical gear motor that consists of several spur gears arranged in parallel axes.
Since the teeth of the gears are parallel to the axis of installation, no axial thrust is generated. The profile of the spur gears follows an involute curve, and only one pair of teeth engage at a time, resulting in purely radial forces on the shaft. In other words, all loads are borne entirely by the single contact point between the two gears. Additionally, the meshing action of spur gears can generate higher forces on the teeth, resulting in slightly louder noise compared to planetary gear motors. Spur gear systems have no sliding losses, making them generally more efficient in power transmission. By adding more gear stages, the reduction ratio can be increased, thereby lowering the output speed and increasing the torque.
The difference between a spur gear motor and a planetary gear motor?
INEED Motors verfügt über mehr als 10 Jahre erfahrene F&E-Ingenieure und mehrere fortschrittliche F&E-Labors.
Unsere Ingenieure sind in der Lage, Ihre Projektbedürfnisse und Produktspezifikationen genau zu verstehen und die entsprechenden technischen Lösungen anzubieten.
Die Produkte umfassen bürstenlose DC-Motoren, bürstenbehaftete Motoren, Getriebedesign und -entwicklung.
Mehr als 80% der von uns bearbeiteten Projekte sind kundenspezifisch. Unsere kundenspezifischen Dienstleistungen umfassen Abmessungen, interne Strukturen, technische Parameter, Drehgeber und anderes kundenspezifisches Zubehör.
Unser Ingenieurteam organisiert regelmäßig Schulungen, um das technische Team auf dem neuesten Stand der Branche zu halten und die verschiedenen technischen Herausforderungen zu meistern.
Wir stellen detaillierte technische Unterlagen und Informationen zur Verfügung, wie z. B. Spezifikationen, Motorkennlinien, 3D-Zeichnungen usw.
You need more than just a spur gear motor, you need a supplier with 13 years of experience in the field to build your brand and increase your profits!
INEED Motors konzentriert sich auf die Anforderungen der Kunden und passt den Produktionsprozess und den Zeitplan flexibel an, um die rechtzeitige Lieferung hochwertiger, kundenspezifischer Produkte zu gewährleisten. Unabhängig davon, ob es sich um einen größeren oder kleineren Auftrag handelt, reagieren wir schnell und bieten Lösungen, die den Anforderungen unserer Kunden entsprechen.
Wir verfügen über eine fortschrittliche Ausrüstung zur Bearbeitung von Zahnrädern und qualifizierte technische Mitarbeiter, die alle Arten von hochpräzisen Zahnrädern unter strikter Einhaltung des Montageprozesses für die Getriebemontage präzise bearbeiten können, um eine stabile und zuverlässige Produktqualität zu gewährleisten und den Kunden eine ausgezeichnete Leistung und Erfahrung zu bieten.
Organisation und eine Reihe von Inspektionen an Motorkomponenten wie Rotoren, Statoren, Kommutatoren und Endkappen durchführen. Jeder Motorrotor wird rigoros getestet und bewertet, um sicherzustellen, dass seine Qualität den branchenführenden Standards entspricht und die Produktleistung und -zuverlässigkeit verbessert wird.
Wir investieren weiterhin in Forschung und Entwicklung sowie in die Einführung fortschrittlicher automatisierter Produktionsanlagen. Mit einem Automatisierungsgrad von 60% und einer kontinuierlichen Optimierung der Produktionsprozesse stellen wir sicher, dass wir immer an der Spitze der Branche stehen und die sich ändernden Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden erfüllen.
INEED Motors ist mit verschiedenen Präzisionsbearbeitungs- und Qualitätsprüfgeräten ausgestattet. Wir haben einen umfassenden Inspektionsprozess eingerichtet, der die Materialauswahl, die Überwachung des Produktionsprozesses, die Produktprüfung und andere Aspekte umfasst. Wir haben auch ein perfektes After-Sales-Service-System eingerichtet, um auf Kundenanfragen und Bedürfnisse umgehend zu reagieren, anstatt nach der Lieferung zu verschwinden.
Its simple and compact design makes them easy to design and install, even in limited or restricted spaces.
These gears increase or decrease the speed of the shaft with a constant speed and high precision
The spur gears are unlikely to slip during operation, and their durability reduces the risk of premature failure.
Its simplicity of design allows for greater manufacturability, making their manufacturing and purchasing costs lower.
Spur gear systems have power transmission efficiencies between 95% to 99%, enabling large amounts of power to be transmitted between multiple gears with minimal power loss.
Sie brauchen unsere Unterstützung, und wir sind bereit, Ihnen zu helfen.
Struggling with DC motor complexities? We specialize in custom small gear motor and micro DC motor, offering expert solutions to simplify design, manufacturing, and delivery. Let’s work together to make it easier for you.
Contact us today!
Spur gear motors are a combination of spur gearboxes and motors, with the output shaft often being eccentric and using a voltage of 3-24V. They are the most easily visualized precision cylindrical gear motors, transmitting motion between two parallel and coplanar shafts with straight and parallel teeth.
Spur motors find applications in diverse industries such as robotics, automation, medical devices, automotive, and consumer electronics. They are suitable for tasks requiring precise and reliable torque control.
According to different given conditions, there are two ways to calculate the speed reduction ratio of a spur gear motor:
1. Given the output speed and the rated speed of the motor (input speed): Spur gear ratio= Output speed/Input speed.
2. Given the number of teeth of the driving gear and the driven gear: Spur gear ratio= The number of teeth of the driving gear/The number of teeth of the driven gear.
Spur gear motors, aka electric gear motors, are designed for low-maintenance operation. Routine inspections for lubrication, wear, and alignment may be recommended to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
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Bei Motorprodukten ist es schwierig, sie zu verstehen, zu spezifizieren und zu integrieren, da es keine Industriestandards gibt. Wir bieten Fachwissen, um Risiken in den Bereichen Design, Herstellung und Lieferung zu minimieren.
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